- fissile
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English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
fissile — [ fisil ] adj. • XVIe, repris 1842; lat. fissilis 1 ♦ Didact. Qui tend à se fendre, à se diviser en feuillets minces. Schiste fissile. 2 ♦ Phys. Susceptible de subir la fission nucléaire. ⇒ fissible. Corps fissile. Noyau, atome fissile. ● fissile … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fissile — Fis sile, a. [L. fissilis, fr. fissus, p. p. of findere to split. See {Fissure}.] 1. Capable of being split, cleft, or divided in the direction of the grain, like wood, or along natural planes of cleavage, like crystals. [1913 Webster] This… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fissile — index divisible, severable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
fissile — / fis:ile/ agg. [dal lat. fissĭlis, der. di findĕre spaccare ]. 1. (miner.) [che si può fendere in lamine o in lastre o scaglie] ▶◀ ‖ duttile, malleabile. 2. (fis.) [di nucleo atomico suscettibile di produrre una fissione nucleare]… … Enciclopedia Italiana
fissile — 1660s, from L. fissilis that which may be cleft or split, from fissus, pp. of findere (see FISSURE (Cf. fissure)) … Etymology dictionary
fissile — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of an atom or element) able to undergo nuclear fission. 2) (chiefly of rock) easily split. ORIGIN Latin fissilis, from findere split, crack … English terms dictionary
fissile — [fis′il; ] chiefly Brit [, fis′īl΄] adj. [L fissilis < fissus, pp. of findere, to cleave: see FISSION] that can be split; fissionable: said of atoms, cells, etc. fissility [fi sil′i tē] n … English World dictionary
Fissile — In nuclear engineering, a fissile material is one that is capable of sustaining a chain reaction of nuclear fission. All known fissile materials are capable of sustaining a chain reaction in which either thermal or slow neutrons or fast neutrons… … Wikipedia
Fissile — Isotope fissile Un isotope est dit fissile si son noyau peut subir une fission nucléaire sous l effet d un bombardement par des neutrons de toutes énergies (rapides ou lents). Le seul isotope fissile naturel est l uranium 235, les autres étant… … Wikipédia en Français
fissile — adjective Etymology: Latin fissilis, from findere Date: 1661 1. capable of being split or divided in the direction of the grain or along natural planes of cleavage < fissile wood > < fissile crystals > 2. capable of undergoing fission • fissility … New Collegiate Dictionary
fissile — (fi ssi l ) adj. Terme d histoire naturelle. Qui a de la tendance à se fendre, à se diviser par feuillets. Schiste fissile. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. fissilis, de fissum, supin de findere, fendre … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré